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The People-Pleaser's Guide to Unsticking Yourself From the Feedback Monster

Let's face it, some of us were practically born with "approval-seeking" tattooed on our foreheads. In my case, it might as well have been neon pink and blinked. As a kid, I was a walking, talking gold star magnet. Great grades? Must please the parents! Swim team trophies? Coach's happy face, here I come!

Then came what I thought was "true love." We moved in together, ready to write our own happily-ever-after. But instead of roses and rainbows, it was a never-ending loop of criticism. My meals were critiqued like a Michelin inspector was judging cafeteria mystery meat. My outfits got the thumbs-down faster than a mime at a talk show.

Basically, everything I did, from breathing to blinking, was apparently an offense. My reaction? The same one I had as a kid: sheer panic and a crippling sense of failure.

Then came the real epiphany. HER folks. A weekend at their place was like stepping into a neverending episode of "Critique Cribs." HER dad, a successful businessman you'd think would be basking in sunshine and unicorns, found fault with everything – the hedges, the neighbors' paint color, even his wife (the steak was a crime, her skirt was an abomination, and the lamp? Don't even get me started on the lamp!)

Seeing this from the outside was like yanking off a blindfold. This wasn't about me, it was about HER. The relationship lasted about as long as a reality TV marriage (cough, cough, two months). I tried everything to change things – explanations, deflection, Jedi mind tricks – but nope. SHE was a walking, talking criticism dispenser, and that wasn't going to change.

The breakup hurt, like a ripped bandaid on a sunburn. But as I drove away, I swear I sprouted wings! Those wings carried me to a place of independence, self-love, and the glorious feeling of being comfortable in my own skin.

Now, don't get me wrong, critical people are everywhere – work, family, even that friend who loves to "help" with your outfit choices. But after years of therapy (and a whole lot of self-reflection), I've become a black belt in dealing with them. Here are my tips, guaranteed to leave your ego sparkling and your self-worth intact:

1.      Not Everyone Gets a Vote: Your boss can critique your work, your neighbor can't critique your taste in polka-dotted flamingos for your front yard. Only those you give permission get to play "feedback fairy."

2.      Is it Legit? Box It Up: If the criticism is fair, take it, but don't let it define you. Think of it as a tiny box in your brain labeled "Things I Can Improve On." It doesn't take up much space, and hey, everyone makes mistakes!

3.      The Art of Ignoring: Not all criticism deserves your attention. Option A: Ninja vanish – walk away, change the subject, or just disappear into thin air. Option B: My personal favorite – "Oh, I'm sorry you feel that way." Short, sweet, and it lets them know their opinion has all the weight of a feather.

4.      Furious? Take a Breather: Feeling like you want to hulk-out? Don't react! Instead, say, "I need some time to think about that." Take a deep breath (or ten!), chill out (sometimes a whole day is needed), and then decide if the feedback has any merit.

5.      The Thank You That Can Disarm: If the criticism is fair and comes from someone you trust, a genuine "Thank you" can actually make you feel better. But if it's not warranted, that "Thank you" throws them off their game. They don't get the satisfaction of seeing you upset, and eventually, they might take their negativity elsewhere.

So, there you have it! With these tips, you too can detach yourself from the clutches of the Feedback Monster and live a life filled with self-acceptance and maybe even some polka-dotted flamingos.


